Registered Charity No. 1122962
Elmbridge Multi-Faith
The purpose of the Forum is to promote friendship and understanding amongst people of varying faiths and cultures living within, or associated with, the Borough of Elmbridge and to provide a point of contact with the Borough.
The Forum arranges social events, visits to places of worship, meetings, speakers and discussions. It is prepared to offer information, help and advice, in whatever ways it can (e.g. language) to promote understanding, integration and harmony.
The executive committee includes representatives of Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Zoroastrian faiths.
Insights Into Faiths
We have published two booklets giving information about the major world faiths. These are available by contacting us at: info@elmbridgemultifaith.co.uk.
Alternatively they can be downloaded as PDFs:
Volume 1 - Faiths of Indian and Persian origin: Download
Volume 2 - The Abrahamic Faiths: Download
Links to Other Relevant Local Sites
Surrey Faith Links: www.surreyfaithlinks.org.uk
Kingston Interfaith Forum: http://e-voice.org.uk/kingston-inter-faith/