Registered Charity No. 1122962
Elmbridge Multi-Faith
About Us
The Elmbridge Multi Faith Forum was formed on 12 June 2004, in fulfilment of an aspiration that started as an initiative by Mr Torqville Stewart, the Mayor of Elmbridge in 2000, the year of the Millennium. He called a meeting to commemorate the turn of the century, inviting representatives of all Faiths in the Borough. It was grand occasion, filled with spirituality, love and hope.
It took a further three years before another initiative by the Baha’is of Elmbridge arranged another meeting of all Faiths at the Civic Centre on 12 June 2003, with Mayor Mick Burgess as the Guest of Honour. Representatives of different Faiths gave short speeches, and thereafter a steering group was formed to take the initiative forwards. The group was as follows:
Linda Alanko/Stella Eusobio/Jackie Foster/Chandra P.Gupta/Geoffrey Morris/Nabil Mustapha/Maire Noble/Daniel Rich/Rina Singh/Sadia Subhan/Torqville Stewart/Phyllis Woodhead.
The next stage was a workshop arranged for 12 June 2004, again with the presence of Mayor Mick Burgess. This meeting fleshed out the aims and objectives of a Multi-Faith Forum and an Executive Committee was formed. Mayor Burgess formally announced the formation of the EMF.
The Aims and Objectives were drawn out, and the Executive Committee was formed as follows:
Chairman: Dr Nabil Mustapha
Secretary: Geoffrey Morris
Treasurer: Leonard Beighton
To find out more about us, please see our Elmbridge Multi-Faith Presentation.
Elected at AGM 2018
Mrs Margaret Hicks (Christian) Chairman, Trustee
Mrs Kauser Ahktar (Muslim) Secretary
Mr. Leonard Beighton (Anglican) Treasurer, Trustee
Mr Geoff Morris (Christian) Trustee
Dr Nabil Mustapha (Baha’i) Trustee
Major Rashid Laher (Muslim) Trustee
Mrs Jackie Foster (Roman Catholic)
Mr Derick Halle (Jewish Reform)
This committee has been functioning smoothly and efficiently since its formation. Elections are held every AGM, and members can be voted in or out as per usual.