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Planned Events

Events for this year will be announced on this page as and when they are planned





























For more information please email:








Past Events


“My Buddhism”  - “A guide to differences amongst Chinese, Thai and Tibetan Buddhist practices”.



Chung Lo - has devoted his life to being a Buddhist Monk under the spiritual guidance of a Tibetan Guru. He is a widely travelled author and academic, currently employed as a lecturer and director of Buddhist studies at the University of Hong Kong


His Holyness Khenchen Lama Rinpoche - presentation


Thai Monk who has served in Thailand talked about the Thai focus on Karma and the associated  gold-roofed Wats (temples).


Religions during Covid-19: Spiritual and Practical
Elmbridge Multi Faith Forum are holding an online event during Interfaith Week to hear from different faith perspectives on how they have coped during this time both practically and spiritually.
Date and Time: Tuesday 10th November, 7.30 pm on zoom
Saidhanya Raviendrakumar, from the Sri Raja Rajeswari Amman Temple (Hindu)
John Molloy, from the Shinnyo En Buddhist Temple (Buddhist)
Rev Jonny Blair from St Mary’s and St John’s Church, Walton (Christian)
Rabbi Kath Vardi, from the North West Surrey Synagogue (Jewish)
Mohammad Habib, from the Shah Jahan Mosque (Muslim)


Guided tour of the Peace Garden, Horsell and Brookwood Cemetery - cancelled due to Lockdown

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Coach leaves at 9.30 am and arrives back at 1.30 pm at the Thames Ditton Centre, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton KT7 0BS .

10.00 am – 11.00 am at the Peace Garden—a guided tour followed by time for reflection.

11.15 – 12.50 at Brookwood Cemetery—a guided tour and walk.


To book a place on the coach please contact Geoffrey Morris:



AGM and talk on Climate Emergency - cancelled due to Lockdown

Tuesday 30th June

7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start.

Further details to come soon.


Tuesday 21st January 2020: Modern Day Slavery

Is Modern Day Slavery a problem in Surrey? If so, do we have a role to play?

Suzette Jones from the Diocese of Guildford spoke on the subject at the Sacred Heart Church Hall, 25 Between Streets, Cobham KT11 1AA. Light refreshments from 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start. This is a free event, however, donations are welcome to cover the costs.


Remembrance – Tuesday 12th November

7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start

Remembering the men and women from all countries who fought for freedom

St Andrews Church, Church Gate House, Downside Bridge Rd, Cobham KT11 3EJ



Life as a Refugee

Monday 29th April, 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start. North West Surrey Synagogue

Horvath Close, Oatlands Drive,  Weybridge,  Surrey KT13 9QZ


Visit to West London Synagogue, hosted by Rabbi Helen Freeman - Read Report Here

Tuesday 19th February

Coach leaves Thames Ditton Centre, Mercer Close, Thames Ditton, KT7 0BS at 9.30 am and arrives back to the Thames Ditton Centre by 4.00pm. 

Transport cost: £15 per person. Payment can be made by cheque to EMF or in cash on the day to Geoff Morris. Post cheque to:

Geoffrey Morris, Edale House, 32 Milner Drive, Cobham, KT11 2EZ


Limited number of places, please book early to avoid disappointment. For more information:

E:   | T: 01932 868454


‘Faith has no place in Modern Society’

Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Humanist speakers share their views on the topic

Tuesday 13th November, 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start

at Sacred Heart Church, Cobham.


Visit to Westminster Cathedral

Tuesday 6th November


Elmbridge Multi Faith Forum AGM and Talk

The True Face of Islam by Kauser Akhtar

A myth busting talk and open Q&A Session

(Faith Links Adviser and Spokesperson, Shah Jahan Mosque, Woking)

Tuesday 26th June, 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start

St Christopher’s Church, Claygate Ln, Esher, United Kingdom KT10 0AQ


Do women have a role in leading religion?

A conference organised on a topical discussion; speakers include Bishop Jo Bailey Wells, Rabbi Kath Vardi and Julie Siddique.

Tuesday 1st May, 6.30 pm at St Mary's Church, Stoke D'Abernon.

For more information and to register, please click here


Tuesday 30th January 2018

Faith Issues in the Courts

Speaker - Judge Georgina

Venue - Sacred Heart Hall, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham KT11 1AA


July 2017

Annual General Meeting​


February 2017

How People of Varying Faiths and Cultures approach Marriage

This was a follow-up to our earlier very successful meeting about Birth. Speakers from 3 or 4 major religions each explained in their culture and faith:

  • How young couples normally meet

  • Sex before marriage?

  • Family influence/help/’arranged’ marriages

  • Attitudes to same-sex marriage and civil partnership

  • Courtship

  • Marriage ceremonies and celebrations.

  • Divorce


March 2017

Visit to the UK Bahai Centre


August 2017

Garden Party


September 2017

Bicentennial Celebration of the birth of Baha’u’llah

My Hinduism 21st September 2021 reduced size.png

Civic Centre, 1 High St, Esher KT10 9SD


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